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“…you have changed my life.”



"Marie you are amazing! You are so talented and such a warm and passionate woman. Just wanted to say thank you for my nipple tattoo. I had a mastectomy on my left breast and only now after the tattoo I can truly say that you cannot tell the difference

between which breast is real, you did such a great job. Thank you for giving me normal breasts again. " -L.S.

"Marie:  I am so happy with my I don't worry about them coming off in the summer months!   After you did my eyebrows, I had confidence that you would do a GREAT job on my eyeliner. I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. After applying it for over 40 years, it's a daily treat NOT to have to apply it....and it looks so natural. " - J.B.

" Truly an artist" 

"You only get one body and one face, so go to the best: Marie Barbuto, RN. You’ll be glad you did. My highest recommendation." -E.H

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More Testimonials!

Marie Barbuto is a dedicated, caring professional who strives to ensure her patients/clients look and feel their best. Due to years of over tweezing and finally age, I had virtually no eyebrows left. Marie tatooed me, I now have the most natural looking eyebrows! The results were truly amazing and I honestly look years younger now. I would highly recommend this business to anyone. -B.M.

" I had to share this with you, I went to the endocrinologist on Friday when she examined me I ask if she liked my tattoos. She was like where and I pointed ( to my breasts) and she had to do 3 double takes!! She couldn't believe it!! I gave her your name. "


N.D. ( Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction patient)

"First time getting fillers, & I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner! Marie is one of the best and my results were immediate and painless! The skin care products recommened were just what I needed" - L.G.


Call now!

310 Madison Ave

Suite 210

Morristown, NJ 07960 \  Tel: 973-993-5100



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